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Part 2

Jun 27, 2023

I Belong (Part 2)

  • Scripture:

Spiritual Growth

I Belong

Part 2

I Belong (Part 2)


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I Belong (Part 2)

Part 2

When it comes to Church membership, many of today’s Christians want to come and go without accountability. They want the Church to be there for them if and when they need it. They want the benefits without involvement — the privileges without responsibilities. And so they hop from church to church. In "I Belong," a five-part series, Michael Youssef explains the importance of being an active member of the Church. He urges you to ask our heavenly Father, "What would You have me do to belong?" And He illustrates the vital importance of discovering God’s plan for your life and using that plan to build the kingdom of God. Scripture: Isaiah 28:16, 1 Peter 2:4-10 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands