World View and Current Events
National Day of Prayer
May 5, 2016
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Today, churches and organizations around the United States are uniting in prayer for our nation for the National Day of Prayer. As we look to the moral, spiritual, and political crises our nation is facing, the prayer needs seem overwhelming. What does effective intercession look like as we pray for our nation?

God has provided an excellent model for us in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

If we humble ourselves, pray and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways, He will heal our land.

"If we humble ourselves, pray and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways, He will heal our land."

Dr. Michael Youssef's 2011 teaching, God Will Bless America Through His People, indirectly provides specific prayer points we can pray through today as we commit to praying for America and the next generation. Join us in reflecting on this powerful excerpt from God Will Bless America Through His People, and join us in prayer today:

America will turn to God but only when God's people who are called by His name repent of their sins.

America will turn to God but only when God's people seek after holiness and righteousness.

America will turn to God but only when the godly people who are in the apostate churches, dead churches, and universalist churches get out of those churches, never to go back again.

America will turn to God but only when God's people stop placing one foot in godless activities and another foot in His church.

America will turn to God but only when God's people open their mouths and speak the truth in love.

America will turn to God but only when God's people sacrificially give back to Christ what belongs to Christ.

America will turn to God but only when God's people stop being afraid and intimidated by godless forces.

America will turn to God but only when God's people become more concerned about being biblically correct than being politically correct.

America will turn to God but only when they see God's people live what they say they believe.

America will turn to God but that's where it begins with you and me.

God always blessed a nation because of the faithful few.

He blessed Laban because of Jacob;

He blessed Egypt because of Joseph;

He blessed Babylon because of Daniel;

He blessed Persia because of Esther.

And if God is going to save America, it is because faithful people are praying for America.

Prayer: Lord God, I humble myself before You today and confess that I have fallen short of Your commands. I repent of my sin today and ask for Your forgiveness. I thank You, Lord, for Your grace and mercy, and I ask for a great spiritual awakening for this nation. Strengthen Your church to stand for the Truth, to be loving witnesses to the world, and to be the salt and light that You have called us to be. Restore our Biblical foundations, Lord. Help us to be bold in sharing the hope of Christ. Help us to let go of any idols that have taken Your rightful place in our hearts. Thank You, Lord, for what You are going to do. I pray all this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.