Jon Hoover—Tennessee
Oct 1, 2018
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The Gospel has the power to take someone who is running from God and turn them into someone new.

My name is Jon Hoover from Chattanooga, Tennessee. During my senior year of college, I got very angry at God and decided that I would live for myself. For ten long years after that I progressively sunk deeper into sin. I made money my God and decided I was going to pursue hard after it.

The Gospel has the power to take someone who is running from God and turn them into someone new.


I had what I thought was success when in my mid-twenties I became a millionaire on paper—but God wouldn't let me go. He hit me where I lived, and all my money disappeared. Not only that, I also amassed crippling debt and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Looking back, I realize that this was all His grace. He was bringing me to the end of myself. Having nowhere else to turn, I turned back to God as my only hope. I picked up a book that someone had given me by Dr. Michael Youssef, and I began reading it.

As I read through it from cover to cover, it completely changed my relationship with the Lord and the way I looked at Him. Then I began listening to Dr. Youssef on the radio. Since those days, God has caused me to grow by leaps and bounds. He has done [more than] I could have imagined, even giving me the opportunity to serve as a pastor and now the Men's Ministry Director at a Pregnancy Crisis Center.

As I look back, everything that has happened in my life can be traced back to that time when I picked up Dr. Youssef's book. . . . I'm so thankful for how God used him and this ministry in my life to change my life forever.