Family and Relationships
Arrows for Christ's Bow
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jan 23, 2023
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Read Psalm 127:3-5. In ancient times, the archer was more feared than an expert swordsman. That's because arrows strike from far away, very quickly, often before they're even seen by their intended mark. Yet it is with this language that God describes the children of the next generation: "arrows in the hands of a warrior" (Psalm 127:4).

God intends for our children to be instruments of spiritual warfare in His hands, ready to stand firm in the faith and to set captives free. And if this is God's intent, then we must do everything we can to train them in Truth—to make sure they are prepared to be arrows in His bow.

The next generation is watching what we do far more than what we say.

We all have a responsibility to train the next generation to be mighty warriors for God, to remind them of the power of God that is at work within them, and to empower them to do mighty things for Him. It is often the quiet, one-on-one, personal ministries that leave the greatest legacies. So encourage the young people in your life that they can accomplish great things for God on their campuses, in their workplaces, or wherever He calls them. Pray for them daily. Ask them tough questions and don't be afraid to challenge them in their faith. Like arrows unseen, Satan won't know what's coming until the damage has been done.

But there's another way we can make sure that our children and our grandchildren become warriors for Christ. Several years ago, I met with a young man who grew up in a Christian home. It was a meeting I'll never forget. He said to me, "The reason I have forsaken the faith is because my parents project one image in public and live a different way at home." Make no mistake about it: The next generation is watching what we do far more than what we say.

There is no use in simply telling, training, and praying. We must model for our children what it means to live for Jesus Christ. We must show them what it means to surrender to God's leadership in our lives. Only then can we raise up disciples, sure and swift as arrows in His quiver.

Prayer: Lord, may my life reflect the transformative power of Your grace to the next generation. May the church prepare our youth for service to You so that they may shine as lights in this dark world. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them" (Psalm 127:4-5a).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series Preparing the Next Generation: WATCH NOW | LISTEN NOW