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Jesus In the Midst of the Storm


May 8, 2022

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

The wind and the waves may continue to swirl around you, but in the midst of the storm, you will know the mighty peace and presence of God.

In the boat on the Sea of Galilee, things had gotten increasingly dark and dangerous. The wind had picked up, and so had the waves. Lurching and reeling, the disciples panicked as they found themselves caught in a storm out at sea.

What the men didn’t realize was that Jesus was with them in the storm. He was there, although He wasn’t in the boat. He was coming to them, walking on the water.

But when He got close, they didn’t recognize Him. "It’s a ghost!" they said, and cried out in fear (Matthew 14:25-26).

These men knew Jesus better than anyone, but they did not recognize Him. The wind was howling, and they were focused on the wind. The waves were crashing, and they were focused on the waves. They were so wrapped up in their fears that when they saw Jesus, they thought He was a ghost.

"The wind and the waves may continue to swirl around you, but in the midst of the storm, you will know the mighty peace and presence of God."

The disciples expected Jesus in the blessings, in the miracles, and in the abundance – but they did not expect Him in the middle of the storm

When our lives are reeling and rocking, we see "ghosts" too – ghosts of doubt, anxiety, and unbelief. But Jesus is in your storm with you, and He wants you to learn to recognize Him and to expectantly look for Him there. 

How can you see Jesus with you in your storm? Adjust your focus.

Don’t focus on your "what ifs," your worries, your fears – those will only distort your view of Him. Focus instead on who Jesus is. Focus on His promises.

When the winds begin to howl and the waves begin to crash, when your imagination begins to run wild, remember what is true: God is with you (John 14:16-17), He will take care of you (Matthew 6:31-32), and He is working all things for good (Romans 8:28).

As you adjust the focus of your heart, Jesus will come into view more clearly. The wind and the waves may continue to swirl around you, but in the midst of the storm, you will know the mighty peace and presence of God. You will find Jesus in the midst of the storm.
