Evangelistic Celebration: Middle Georgia
Prayers Answered at Leading The Way's First Celebration
On March 24-25, 2023, Leading The Way’s first official city-wide Evangelistic Celebration drew 6,000 people to the Macon Coliseum. From every walk of life, attendees poured in to hear Dr. Michael Youssef proclaim the eternal hope found in Christ Jesus alone. Entire families, teenagers cradling babies, elderly couples, individuals struggling with addiction, youth with tattoos on their necks and faces—all came ready to hear the Gospel.
On the first night—an evening for youth—Dr. Youssef shared his own personal testimony of teenage rebellion and restoration, emphasizing God’s extravagant forgiveness through the story of the Prodigal Son. On the second and final night, Dr. Youssef challenged false cultural Christianity, declaring, “Salvation is a personal experience! You cannot inherit, buy, or earn it.”
In total, following Dr. Youssef’s invitation, hundreds of people from all ages and backgrounds boldly came forward to surrender their lives to Christ.
“I spend every waking moment praying for God’s guidance and strategizing how to get the Gospel to the ends of the earth,” Dr. Youssef shared. “God has given us an incredible opportunity. . . . As we expand this vital area of ministry, may the Lord be glorified.”
Lives Transformed in Middle Georgia
I’m going through a personal battle and was questioning God’s love for me. Dr. Youssef’s message encouraged me and led me to recommit my life to Christ.
Macon, GA.After attending the Celebration, one woman's renewed dedication to the Lord was seen by her teenage son, who gave his life to Christ at our church. The next Sunday, his girlfriend also accepted Christ!
Macon, GAHope for the Heart of Georgia is an answer to years of prayer.
Atlanta, GA
Macon, GA
God's Power on Display at Leading The Way's Inaugural Celebration
Churches unified across ethnic and denominational backgrounds. Souls saved from every age, race, and background. This is your impact!
From All Backgrounds & Generations
Of those who came to Christ, their ages spanned every age group from 5 to 80—a reminder of the power of the Gospel in reaching all people. Half were aged 25 and younger, testifying to the deep spiritual work God is doing among the next generation.
A Movement of Prayer
One of the most inspiring outcomes of Hope for the Heart of Georgia was the remarkable unity among churches across denominational and ethnic lines. Months before the Celebration, dedicated prayer warriors from various congregations came together to intercede for spiritual revival. On a local college campus, students hosted their own prayer rally, igniting passion for what God could do in their city. One woman, moved by the event, shared that she had faithfully prayed for her city for 40 years—a testament to the power of persistent prayer.
Hope for the Heart of Georgia
Watch Restream
Watch excerpts from Dr. Michael Youssef's message at Hope for the Heart of Georgia.