Trusting God’s Gift
Scripture tells us that the God of all creation has a deep appreciation for the cheerful giver (see 2 Corinthians…
Part 5
In this nine-part series, Rebuilding Our Broken Walls, Dr. Youssef looks at the life of Nehemiah — a man who…
When You Work for the Lord
Read Genesis 30:25-43. The word prosperity often has a bad connotation today. When we think of prosperity, we frequently associate…
Part 10
In this 15-message collection, Dr. Youssef draws from 2 Corinthians, one of Paul’s most personal and intimate letters, to explain…
King Solomon’s Warning
Consider for a moment an average person in an average home who wakes up early in the morning to beat…
Life Lessons
We can learn a lot from the conclusions King Solomon came to in Ecclesiastes. Today we will consider two more…
A Biblical Perspective
How you view your life will make a world of difference in how you live your life. If you live…
Part 5
The Bible tells us that we receive gifts on the day of our spiritual birth. We are charged with using…

Part 9
The Gospel is good news because, in Christ, we receive complete spiritual freedom from sin and spiritual death. In Got…
The Gift of Giving
Just as all believers exercise the gift of faith, we should all exercise the gift of giving—giving our time, talent,…

Living Generously
When God challenges us to live generously, His challenge is not primarily about money—it is about our hearts. In today’s…

Generous with God’s Gifts
During Jesus’ time on earth, He told many parables to help explain what His Kingdom is like and to show…