How can we understand evangelism better and work toward the Great Commission Christ has mandated for believers? Join Jonathan and special guest Dr. Michael Youssef as they discuss Leading The Way‘s new five-year plan, The Open Door Campaign, and how it involves all of us.
This conversation is condensed and adapted from episode 267 of Candid Conversations with Jonathan Youssef. Be sure to listen to Dr. Youssef’s compelling interview in its entirety. Subscribe today on your favorite podcast platform or listen online at
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Jonathan: I want to talk about evangelism. Could you tell us how the Lord fanned that flame in you?
Dr. Youssef: I came to the Lord through a sermon about ‘the door of mercy’ and how we must walk through that door now because grace will no longer be extended to us once it’s shut. This sermon impacted me so greatly that I gave my life to Christ and, instead of leaving the church, I went forward. From that day on, I’ve always been motivated and burdened to share the Good News and tell others of the freedom they have in Christ. I knew immediately that this is the opportunity I have, while the door is still open.
But for most believers, the word evangelism is intimidating. I understand this because I don’t like big words either! This is why my [favorite] definition of evangelism comes from the evangelist D. L. Moody: “Evangelism is simply one beggar telling another beggar where to go and get food.”
It really is just that simple. All you need to say is “I was lost in sin, and Christ saved me. He can save you. Come to Him. Repent. Turn in faith.” So that’s really the essential definition. Humans try to complicate things at times, but we need to be as simple as we can when it comes to the Gospel.
Jonathan: I want to transition to where Leading The Way is heading with that evangelism trajectory. You have a new five-year plan called The Open Door Campaign. Tell us a little bit about the seeds of this.
Dr. Youssef: The Lord placed on my heart the urgency to focus my time on three important things while the door is still open to us.
First, I grieve over my adopted country. I seldom watch the news, but when I do, I want to weep over the condition of America—not just the country but the condition of the church. Only 4 percent of the population have a Biblical worldview, and 12 percent of those who claim to know the Lord have no Biblical worldview because they don’t read the Bible.
My grievance at learning [these statistics inspired me] to do everything we can to present a true Biblical worldview and to call people to come to Christ. This is why North America is the first of the three pillars of The Open Door Campaign. Several years ago, God laid it on my heart that I needed to go on the road—not just evangelizing through television, radio, podcasts, etc. I want to be there in person to see the great awakenings and the ripple effect that it creates for the church. These events could have a massive effect on the trajectories of families, individuals, and even generations.
After these events, the church comes in and says, “We’re going to be here to connect the pieces and [ensure new believers] become part of the body of Christ.” You’ll see these events ramping up in the coming five years.
Jonathan: Now that we’ve covered North America, walk us through the second pillar of the three, the Middle East.
Dr. Youssef: These are my roots. When I escaped from Egypt, I wanted nothing to do with that part of the world—but God changed my heart. So, I’ve been involved in different ministries trying to reach the people of the Muslim world with the Gospel for fifty years now, and we are going to continue to focus on the work we are doing there. We have a dedicated television channel, THE KINGDOM SAT, which airs Biblical teaching 24/7 to 260+ million Arabic-speaking homes. It’s not just the Middle East watching the channel either. THE KINGDOM SAT is watched by Arabic speakers in Australia and New Zealand and all over the world.
Through the new campaign, we’re going to intensify this work over the next five years and even make personal visits to these places. Our follow-up team is also committed to making disciples, so they will be available day and night to respond to inquiries and people who want to know Christ.
Jonathan: The first two pillars are talked about often, but there’s a third pillar that maybe hasn’t gotten the attention that perhaps the other two have gotten. Talk to us about that.
Dr. Youssef: The third pillar is just as important, and it all started with you, Jonathan. I remember when you came back from Albania, Turkey, and Indonesia. You went to places that were so remote and had a desperate need for Christ. I’m thankful you brought the need to our attention all those years ago because now we’re seeing the incredible success of this little device called the Navigator.
Thousands upon thousands of people in remote areas—like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and many other countries—are hearing the Gospel in their native language now. The Navigator comes in [languages], and we take this device to remote places where people will literally hang it on a tree to listen because it’s solar-powered. And that serves two purposes: Not only does it reach those isolated people who are desperately in need of the Gospel, but it also reaches the people who may be illiterate and can’t read the Scripture. Many will say, “Just send them the Bible.” But if they can’t read it, what will they do? Each one of these handheld devices has the Bible in their language as well as about 150 messages that I have preached through an interpreter.
This invention from an Australian missionary has been a blessing. God laid it on his heart, and with the help of Leading The Way, we were able to do it. Now we’re proliferating in the hundreds of thousands. That’s incredible when you think about the fact that each one on average is used by ten people. We are talking about millions whom we will be able to reach through this ministry.
Jonathan: Just to bring it all full circle, even the concept behind The Open Door Campaign originated from the sermon that brought you into the Kingdom.
Dr. Youssef: Yes, and the Truth is I don’t know how long the door is going to remain open in America before we hear that the Bible is hate speech. In countries like Finland and other European countries, they’ve already progressed toward this. Even a member of parliament in Finland was taken to court because she quoted the Bible.
This is why we must walk through that door as long as God keeps it open and take advantage of it. Because if we go to sleep, we’ll wake up and have missed a great opportunity. In the years to come, I feel that I’m really putting my foot on the accelerator now.
Jonathan: The Open Door Campaign is a five-year plan to passionately proclaim uncompromising Truth in three strategic areas—North America, the [Middle East], and Remote Villages. This is very exciting, and we will be praying for the work. We know the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So we’re grateful that the Lord has put this on your heart.
This conversation is condensed and adapted from episode 267 of Candid Conversations with Jonathan Youssef.
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