Ask Dr. Youssef
Ask Dr. Youssef: "How do you know if God is leading you as you make life decisions?"
Jul 3, 2021
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"How do you know if God is leading you as you make life decisions?"

"I know God overrules me when I start heading the wrong way."


I have made a lot of mistakes as a human being and certainly as a leader. But the one thing that gives me confidence is that God knows my heart. More than anything, I want God's will for me, for my family, and for those who accept my leadership. Because of that, I know God overrules me when I start heading the wrong way.

I remember when we were planning to begin The Church of The Apostles. We had decided on a start date in September, but an acquaintance wrote to me saying, "I am led by the Lord to say that you should start your church earlier than September. I don't know the reason, only that it is important for you to start sooner." 

At first, I didn't even pray about his message, but eventually, God broke through. In a matter of minutes, I received an inner certainty that this acquaintance was right, and I was wrong. And on Sunday, May 10, 1987, The Church of The Apostles opened its doors for the first time.

If you allow God's thoughts, schedule, and will to drive you, rather than your own, I know He will speak to you in similar ways. He will keep you as you honestly seek to trust and obey His plan for your life.

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