Ask Dr. Youssef
Ask Dr. Youssef: "How do I know if my worship is pleasing to God?"
Oct 3, 2021
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"How do I know if my worship is pleasing to God?"

There is one thing that God looks for in the heart of the worshiper: humility.


There is one thing that God looks for in the heart of the worshiper: humility. True worship involves total surrender that says with John the Baptist: "He must become greater; I must become less" (John 3:30). If Jesus is not increasing and we are not decreasing, we have not yet learned to be true worshipers. This was John's clear mission for life; this is what made Jesus call John the greatest among men (see Matthew 11:11).

None of the things we often strive for in life were what made John a true worshiper of the Lord. He did not seek people's approval or acceptance or admiration. After 400 years without a prophetic voice in Israel, John could have allowed all the attention to go to his head, but because his motives were pure, he humbly pointed to Jesus: "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (see John 1:19-29). 

A clear mission for life and pure motives—keep these two things at the forefront of your life and witness, and I promise you, you will be great in the eyes of God (see Matthew 11:11). You will be a true worshiper of the living God.

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