Read 2 Kings 4:1-7.
When a situation seems impossible, we must remember that nothing is impossible for God. In trying times, we have an opportunity to flex our faith and lean into His supernatural power. God will provide. We just need to trust Him.
As the world around you grows dark, God is still faithful.
Second Kings 4 tells us about a widow who was all out of options. The woman’s deceased husband had left behind a debt, and his creditor was on his way to collect. She was facing shame and degradation and the loss of her sons—and then she remembered the promises of God.
The widow’s husband had been faithful to God, and as the head of his household, he had led his family to trust and obey the Lord. This poor woman knew God had promised to care for the righteous and provide for their needs. So, when she approached Elisha, seeking God’s help, she knew her situation mattered to God. She placed her faith not in her good works or in the faithfulness of her husband, but squarely in the God who keeps His promises.
She also displayed confidence in God’s provision. When Elisha asked her what she had in her house as a starting point, she replied, "Your servant has nothing here at all," but then she thought for a moment more and remembered she did have something—"a small jar of olive oil" (2 Kings 4:2). The little bit of oil at the bottom of a tiny jar really was nothing in comparison to the size of her debt, yet she offered it to the Lord, knowing that in His hands it could be enough.
Finally, this widow maximized her capacity for blessing. Elisha told her to borrow jars and containers from her neighbors—and not just a few. So she asked for as many as her neighbors could spare, and God blessed her accordingly. The oil in that small jar of hers filled all the containers, stopping only when the last was topped off. She prepared for a large blessing, and that’s exactly what she received.
As the world around you grows dark, God is still faithful. Now is the time to expand your capacity to receive. Don’t be content with just a few jars—expect great things from the Lord. He is your loving Father who is supernaturally at work in your life for your good and for the blessing of those around you.
Prayer: Lord, You are so faithful. Your blessings are overwhelming. You fill my cup to overflowing. Help me to see how You are at work in my life. May I have eyes to see Your goodness and confidence that You are able and willing to bless me as Your child. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Elisha said, ‘Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few’" (2 Kings 4:3).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon It Is Supernatural, Part 1: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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