Christian Living
Inviting Others into Joy
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Dec 18, 2023
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This Christmas, let us not be consumed in our pursuit of the perfect gift. Instead, let us be consumed with the joy of inviting others to behold the wonder of God's love.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.

What a tragedy it would be if our loved ones never heard us speak of Christ and all that He has done for us.

Since Christ's ascension almost 2,000 years ago, God has chosen to touch hearts through us, His obedient children. Today, it is our great privilege and responsibility to tell others of the greatness of Christ's love.

To be a tool in our Redeemer's hand, we must be willing to get outside of our comfort zones and take up the ministry of reconciliation. We must make it our aim to be His ambassadors—speaking the Truth to a culture that is blind to the Good News of Christ.

Not so long ago, we too were blind—at enmity with God and burdened by the heavy yoke of sin—until somebody told us about Jesus. Now is the time for us to do the same for others. What a tragedy it would be if our loved ones never heard us speak of Christ and all that He has done for us. Let us joyfully proclaim the wonderful news that God came to transform us—His enemies!—into beloved sons and daughters.

Though sharing our faith can be daunting, Scripture exhorts us: It is by losing our lives that we find them and by giving that we receive. With Jesus' help, let us pour out our lives in the service of God and others as we celebrate Jesus coming to us.

Prayer: Lord, give me boldness to speak about Your salvation when You bring opportunities for evangelism my way. I know You will give me the words to say if I will just be faithful to speak. Give me love for the lost and wisdom for my conversations. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God" (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon The Paradox of Christmas: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW