Everyone receives help. We receive help from the people who have gone before us, the people who stand alongside us, and the people who follow and support us. No one is a self-made man or woman, and good leaders know they can’t take full credit for their successes.
If we want to follow the leadership style of Jesus Christ, we must acknowledge others in the same way He did.
Jesus, however, had the right to take credit for everything from creation onward. Yet, He exemplified the humility of a servant. Jesus could have pointed out the flaws and failures of those who went before Him: You think Abraham was great? Remember, he had his share of failings. Don’t forget how Abraham feared Pharaoh so much that he lied and said Sarah was his sister! And Moses? Don’t forget all the times he got angry and disobeyed God. If you want to know what real greatness is, look at Me.
But Jesus was not driven, as so many leaders are today, by the need to receive credit, applause, and attention. He was driven by love for the Father. Jesus acknowledged those who went before Him, including Abraham and Moses (see John 8:31-40, 5:45-46). If we want to follow the leadership style of Jesus Christ, we must acknowledge others in the same way He did.
Do you take time to acknowledge the contributions others make to your successes? If not, make a plan to personally and publicly thank God and these people.
Prayer: Lord, I praise You for the group of people You have placed in my life who help and support me. Without Your divine plan in bringing these people to my life, I would not be where I am. Thank You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true" (John 4:37).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon The King Is a Servant: LISTEN NOW
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