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Be Content With What God Has Given You

My Devo Podcast

June 10, 2023

By Dr. Michael Youssef

My Devotional

Jun 10, 2023

Be Content With What God Has Given You

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The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years under Moses’ leadership. They had none of the distractions of our modern lives—no smartphones, no social media, no 24-hour news cycle. They were told to do one simple thing: follow God. As they walked, they followed God’s physical manifestation—cloud by day, fire by night. Yet, despite God’s physical presence and awesome provision, they still grumbled and set their hearts on evil things, falling into temptation (see v. 6). They were discontent with the wisdom, provision, and very presence of Almighty God. 

In today’s devotional, Dr. Michael Youssef calls us to seek to learn to be content. 

If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Healthy Living in a Sick World, Part 13LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW


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