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Lordship of Jesus

Lordship of Jesus

Part 3

In his seven-part series, Seven Signs in John’s Gospel, Dr. Youssef teaches on each of the seven miracles of Jesus,…

Lordship of Jesus

The Kingship Of Jesus Christ

Sure, Jesus taught the masses with intriguing and engaging messages . . . but He also came — and is…

Lordship of Jesus

The King is a Servant

In this special Holy Week sermon, Dr. Michael Youssef shares the dramatic spiritual significance of Jesus’ final Passover meal with…

Lordship of Jesus

Favored by God: Responding to the Miracle of Salvation Through Mary’s Magnificat

You may think the odds are against you, and I have no doubt that they are. I have some odds…

Lordship of Jesus

A Reason to Praise

(NEW: You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way‘s daily devotional podcast!) Psalm 47:1 says: "Clap your…

Lordship of Jesus

At the Right Hand

(NEW: You can now listen to today’s MY Devotional on Leading The Way‘s daily devotional podcast!) Psalm 110 is one of…

Lordship of Jesus

Listen for His Voice

In the Middle East, the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep is special. Sheep know their shepherd’s voice, and…

Lordship of Jesus

I Am the True Vine

There is a tree that grows in the tropics called the banyan tree. This particular tree’s height, spread, and trunk…

Lordship of Jesus

I Am the Bread of Life

Jesus offered all of us a sure way to experience peace, contentment, and complete satisfaction. In John, He tells us:…

Lordship of Jesus

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Just before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He spoke these words to Martha: "I am the resurrection and the…

Lordship of Jesus

The Living Water

We all understand the importance of water for survival. In fact, next to air, water is the most important substance…

Lordship of Jesus

I Am the Good Shepherd

Many Americans will never forget the newscast from Washington, D.C., after an Air Florida plane crashed into the Potomac River…