Even if God’s strategy doesn’t make sense to us, faith will compel us to obey. The more time we spend with God and study His Word, the easier it becomes to exercise complete trust in His promises. As we develop intimacy with God, we can better hear His voice and understand what He is leading us to do and say. As Scripture reminds us: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path" (Psalm 119:105).
The more time we spend with God and study His Word, the easier it becomes to exercise complete trust in His promises.
Whenever we act in obedience, God can work through us to touch even the most hardened heart. Whenever we follow His strategy, He will give us success. He will give us our Jericho, causing the walls to crumble. The secret of Joshua’s success at Jericho was not his own military ingenuity, but his obedience to God’s plan.
When we seek to obey and to spend time in His presence, God will give us the words to speak to someone who does not know Him. He will tell us when to speak and when to remain silent. He is the God of the harvest; He knows when the fruit is ready—and when it is not. When we are still and know that He is God, He will guide our words, our steps, and our minds. He will bless our service to Him, and He will overwhelm all our fears.
Prayer: God, sometimes Your plan doesn’t make sense to me. Help me to obey You even when I don’t understand. Help me to trust that You will guide my steps. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him" (Psalm 128:1).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon You Want Me to Do What?, Part 5: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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