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Part 3

Sep 18, 2021

Is Your Pride Under Control? (Part 3)

Prayer and Praise

Empowered by Praise


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Is Your Pride Under Control? (Part 3)

Part 3

In this powerful sermon, viewers will explore the nature of pride and its impact on our lives. Dr. Youssef challenges us to evaluate whether the Holy Spirit controls our pride and encourages us to embrace a life of praise as the antidote to destructive pride. Key Themes Examined: The inescapable presence of pride in every human being The dangers of unbridled pride and its consequences The power of praise in overcoming pride and living a praise-filled life Biblical examples of controlled versus uncontrolled pride The significance of genuine praise as a sacrifice to God Key Points Expanded: Unbridled Pride and Its Consequences: Dr. Youssef warns that unbridled pride manifests in anger, jealousy, envy, and criticism of others. Such pride leads to many negative emotions, including loneliness, self-pity, and self-loathing. The root of unbridled pride lies in the desperate need for acceptance by others, which contrasts starkly with godly, sanctified pride rooted in gratitude to God. David’s Exuberant Praise of God: King David is a powerful example of someone whose pride was controlled by the Holy Spirit. Despite being a king, David cast aside his royal robe and danced before the Lord with all his might, showing that his concern for God’s glory far outweighed any regard for his dignity. This unreserved worship contrasts sharply with the prideful disdain shown by his wife, Michal, who was more concerned with appearances than with honoring God. The Sacrifice of Praise: Genuine praise is described as a sacrifice because it costs us something significant—our pride. Dr. Youssef explains that true praise requires us to yield everything to God, including our possessions, dreams, and self-importance. This sacrifice of praise is essential for cultivating a life filled with the joy and blessings that come. Transform Your Relationship with God Don’t miss the next sermon in this series, where Dr. Youssef delves deeper into how living a praise-filled life can transform your relationship with God and others. Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands