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Part 6

May 18, 2024

Are You Ready for the Three Heavens? (Part 6)

Heaven and Hell

Heaven Awaits


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Are You Ready for the Three Heavens? (Part 6)

Part 6

Do you understand the Biblical concept of the three heavens? In this message, Dr. Youssef shares their significance for believers and the promise of eternal life. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of heaven’s reality and its impact on our earthly lives. Key Themes Examined: The importance of focusing on heaven for Christian living The three heavens described in Scripture: the spiritual realm, the physical universe, and paradise The role of believers in spiritual warfare The promise of the new heaven and new earth The importance of soul-winning and evangelism Key Points Expanded: The first heaven is the spiritual realm around us where a battle rages between God’s angels and Satan’s demons. He explains that believers play a crucial role in this warfare through their faithfulness and obedience to God. This perspective can transform how Christians view their daily struggles and motivate them to live boldly for Christ. There is a distinction between the current third heaven (paradise) and the future new heaven and new earth. Dr. Youssef explains that while believers who have passed on are currently in paradise with Jesus, an even more glorious eternity awaits all Christians in the new creation. This hope should inspire believers to live with an eternal perspective and eagerly anticipate Christ’s return. Don’t miss the next video in this powerful series on heaven and eternity. Discover more about the new heaven and new earth, and how this knowledge can transform your daily walk with Christ. Prepare to be inspired and challenged to live with purpose and urgency in light of eternity! Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands