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Part 6

Nov 19, 2022

Are You Living in the Past? (Part 6)

  • Scripture:

Spiritual Growth

Letters from Jesus


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Are You Living in the Past? (Part 6)

Part 6

Is your faith just for show, or is it truly alive? In this powerful sermon, Dr. Michael Youssef examines Jesus’ letter to the church in Sardis, warning believers of the danger of appearing spiritually vibrant while being dead inside. He calls for a genuine spiritual awakening and urges us to prioritize our relationship with God over outward appearances. Don’t miss this urgent message that challenges you to look beyond the surface and revive your faith before it’s too late. Key Themes Examined: The Dangers of Focusing on Reputation: Jesus rebukes Sardis for being more concerned with public perception than their true spiritual state. Spiritual Laziness: The church’s failure to protect its spiritual vitality mirrors the historical laziness of Sardis. The Call to Wake Up and Repent: Jesus commands the church to revive what little spiritual life remains and return to Biblical Truth. Promises for the Faithful: Those who remain faithful will be clothed in white robes of victory and acknowledged before the Father. Key Points Expanded: Obsession with Reputation: Dr. Youssef explains how the church in Sardis focused on maintaining its good reputation in society but neglected its spiritual health. Jesus sees beyond outward appearances and exposes its spiritual death, highlighting the futility of seeking approval from the world over faithfulness to God. Call to Wake Up: Jesus warns Sardis to awaken from spiritual slumber before it’s too late. Dr. Youssef likens the church to smoldering coals, barely holding on to life, calling for repentance, and returning to Biblical Truth to ignite a revival. Faithful Remnant’s Reward: Despite the church’s failures, Jesus rewards the faithful few: white robes symbolizing purity, victory, and Resurrection, and the assurance that their names will never be blotted from the Book of Life. Are you living for reputation or for God? Watch the next sermon in the series to learn how to keep your faith alive and reap the eternal rewards Christ promises His faithful. Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6 Download

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A man with braids closes his hands to pray
Dr. Youssef sits in a chair, gesturing with both hands