God at the Center
Joshua knew what it meant to stand his ground against the surrounding culture. Today, we need an entire generation of…
Rescuing the Next Generation
The Bible says we are to "Start children off on the way they should go" (Proverbs 22:6). In other words,…
Part 3
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from…
Part 2
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from…
Part 1
How do you raise a godly family? In Building Godly Families, Michael Youssef explains how to keep your family from…
Teaching Our Children to Face Trials
The Bible says we are to train up our children in the way they should go (see Proverbs 22:6), but…
Children Are a Heritage from the Lord
*An audio version of today’s devotional is available on Leading The Way‘s MY Devotional podcast. Some parents who are…
Part 1
Each generation is responsible to pray for, train, and model faith in Jesus Christ to the next. As such, our…
Arrows for Christ’s Bow
Read Psalm 127:3-5. In ancient times, the archer was more feared than an expert swordsman. That’s because arrows strike from…
Giving the Next Generation to God
The power of an arrow lies in its speed. Its target doesn’t often see the attack coming. Arrows whizz by…