Read 2 Peter 3; Revelation 22:12-14.
Many people are comfortable with the idea of baby Jesus, but they are disturbed by the thought that Christ will one day be their judge. These people do not mind worshiping a helpless child in a manger or a helpless body on a cross; neither one makes any demands. But the risen and glorified King of kings demands our all—and He will one day return to "judge the living and the dead" (2 Timothy 4:1).
Jesus will not only make eternal judgment on people’s salvation—He will also reward believers based on how we lived our lives.
Jesus told His disciples that His return would be sudden, and only those who are waiting for Him will be ready (see Matthew 24:42-44). When that day comes, God will shut the door, all opportunities for salvation will be past, and Jesus will not only make eternal judgment on people’s salvation—He will also reward believers based on how we lived our lives (see Revelation 22:12).
Let me be clear: For those who love Jesus, this will be a joyous day! But for those whose names are not written in the book of life, it will be a dreadful day. No amount of good deeds will matter unless you have trusted Christ for your salvation.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to spare people from having to suffer everlasting regret. Day and night, I feel a burden to pray and tell people about the love of Christ. I want to live for my audience of one—as if He is coming back today!
Christ is coming for us, and it won’t be long. Until then, we are to "keep watch"—advancing His Kingdom in every way we can. Are you ready to meet Him?
Prayer: King of kings, You are the just judge—perfectly qualified as the infinitely wise, all-knowing Creator. I rejoice that I am Yours—safe from condemnation because You have given me Your righteousness. You are my fortress. May I share Your love and compassion with those around me before it’s too late. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:12-13).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series Jesus: Know Him and Live: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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